Email Letter

Influencer Health brings you the platform to chat with your favorite celebrities through email


Do you enjoy reading messages more than video clips?  

Here we are to Connect you to Your Idol through Email!

Ask a question, or submit your request. 

Ask your favorite influencer about their health routine, you can also request wishes or motivation from them. For eg- Hi Shristi, I am a big fan. I get really motivated by your health videos. Can you tell me your current health routine? 


Receive a message through email

Your query or request will be completed with a very personal typed message from your favorite influencer. The time taken to complete the request will be 5 days from the submission of the request.


A personal message is just so much more

All the lovers of written communication, love that feeling of reading a message from your beloved celebrity. Gift a message to your loved ones or request for yourself, Share it with your friends and family or just keep the message a secret between you and your favorite celebrity!